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Výhody členství

Highway A8 Ulm/Augsburg, Germany

Co vás zajímá

In June 2011, HOCHTIEF Solutions – via its subsidiary HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions – was contracted to plan, fi nance, build/upgrade and operate the approximately 58 kilometer section of the A8 federal highway between the cities of Ulm and Augsburg. HOCHTIEF Solutions and a partner each have a 50 percent stake in the project company Pansuevia. The publicprivate partnership (PPP), which represents an investment volume of EUR 410 million, runs for a period of 30 years.

THE PROJECT: The contract for the PPP project A8 highway was awarded by the Germany Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. It is the first project in the second series of so-called A-models (highway upgrading models). It comprises the planning, fi nancing, construction and operation of the stretch of highway between the Ulm-Elchingen interchange and the Augsburg-West junction. The Pansuevia concession company, in which HOCHTIEF Solutions has a 50 percent interest, will bring the 58 kilometer section of highway up to modern-day requirements. At present, parts of the Ulm-Augsburg route, built more than 60 years ago, comprise just four lanes and are no longer capable of coping adequately with peak loads of up to 90,000 vehicles a day. The lack of emergency lanes, combined with steep gradients and blind crests, frequently causes congestion.

REALIZATION: HOCHTIEF Solutions has a 50 percent stake in the construction joint venture responsible for upgrading the A8. This involves widening a total of around 41 kilometers of the section of road between Ulm and Augsburg from four to six lanes by the fall of 2015. The remaining 17 kilometers already have six lanes. All the construction work has to be carried out without obstructing traffi c. The project includes the building of 79 overpasses and underpasses, three junctions, and eight-and-a-half kilometers of noise
protection installations. One service station is being enlarged and three old parking areas with public lavatories are being torn down and renovated.

OPERATION: On October 1, 2011, Pansuevia took over the operation of the A8  between Ulm and Augsburg. In this capacity, the company is responsible for numerous tasks, such as road monitoring, care of green areas, repairs and winter service. Nearly 30 employees are involved in ensuring that the road is kept at a high standard of quality around the clock. To refi nance their investment, the private partners receive a portion of the truck tolls charged on this stretch of highway throughout the 30 year period of the contract and also start-up fi nancing linked to the progress of construction. Early in 2012, the fi nancing arrangements for this PPP project earned it the distinction „European Shadow Toll Deal of the Year 2011“ in the infrastructure trade magazine Project Finance.

THE ADVANTAGES: Thanks to the PPP approach, the A8 can be upgraded quickly, effi ciently and to a high level of quality. With six lanes along its entire length, the thoroughly modernized highway will in future be safer and less prone to congestion. It will also represent an environment-friendly solution, since the improved traffi c fl ow will result in far lower emission of exhaust gases. In addition, special measures for noise and water protect and two wildlife crossings make a positive contribution to a more environmentally compatible roadway network.


Typ stavby
Nová stavba, demolice
Územní rozhodnutí
Stavební povolení
Parametry smlouvy

Concession period: 30 years

Term: 2011 – 2041

HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions (50%), Hermann Kirchner Projektgesellschaft (50%).