
Pravidelně vás informujeme o aktivitách ARI a dění ve veřejné infrastruktuře nejen v ČR.

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ARI je think-tank pro veřejnou infrastrukturu ČR. Sjednocuje a prosazuje dobrou mezinárodní praxi.

Výhody členství

Dálnice D4 a rychlostní silnice R7 na Slovensku (PPP)

Co vás zajímá

Úsek dálnice D4 tvoří obchvat Bratislavy (26,5 km) a R7 je navazující rychlostní silnice (31,5 km). Délka celkého projektu je 58 km.

Zadavatel předpokládá zadání projektu formou PPP/DBFO: navrhni, postav, zafinancuj a provozuj po vzoru úspěšného projektu R1. Platební mechanismus v podobě poplatku za dostupnost.


EURm 4,53 bn
Typ stavby
Nová stavba
Územní rozhodnutí
Existuje DÚR
Stavební povolení
Parametry smlouvy
Dlouhodobá koncese typu DBFOKoncesní smlouva na 30 let.
Termín realizace

The Obchvat Nula team has been selected for the D4 and R7 motorway project. Cintra, Macquarie and Porr are part of team, which was named frontrunner for the project in December.

Financial close on the €1.01bn deal is expected in the second quarter of 2016, once the public information phase has concluded and commercial close has been reached.

The team will design, build, finance, operate and maintain a 59km road network. The concession is for 34 years and is based on availability payments. Construction is expected to take four years.

The teams competing were for the €4.5bn contract are:

  • Vinci Concessions, Vinci Highways, Meridiam (ViaDunaj)
  • Strabag, Strabag Motorway, Reding Infrastructure, John Laing Investments (Astrela)
  • Hochtief PPP Solutions, Iridium, DIF Infra 3 PPP (Hochtief)

The Slovakian government is seeking €500m from the EIB for the D4 motorway/R7 expressway PPP. The total cost for the project, which will provide enhanced transport capacity to the Bratislava region, is estimated to be €1.33bn.

Works for the project involve construction of a new 27 kilometre highway (two lanes each way) around Bratislava (D4), creating a beltway to the east of the city and a connection with existing radial roads. R7 The project also involves building the new 32-kilometre R7 radial highway, with two-three lanes each way, running in a south-easterly direction from the city centre. The project will improve traffic conditions and facilitate journeys between countries in the region, which will boost the potential for economic development, job creation and the local supply chain.


PWC – finanční poradce, White & Case – právní poradce, Obermeyer – technický poradce
Stavební společnost
Konzorcium Obchvat Nula: Cintra SA, Porr Infrastruktur GmbH, Macquarie Capital